What Is A Good Science Dissertation Format- Helpful Guidelines?

When it comes to writing a good science dissertation, you will need to format your paper correctly. The format is important because it allows you to make sure that you include all of the various sections that need to be included in your dissertation.

  • Cover page
  • Title page
  • Acknowledgement page
  • Abstract
  • Table of contents page
  • Illustrations list
  • Body
  • Introduction
  • Literature survey section
  • Methodology
  • Results section
  • Discussion section
  • Conclusion
  • Personal recommendations
  • Footnotes/endnotes page
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices

Your paper should include all of these sections and should follow the format that your school or instructor chooses. There are many different formatting styles that you can use but most science papers will be written in the MLA formatting style that was designed by the modern Language Association.

  • Paper has to be printed out on a standard piece of white paper.
  • Use a legible font for your paper like Times New Roman or Arial and make sure it is double-spaced. You need to make sure that the font has a significant difference between the regular font and the italicized font. It should be a 12 point font size.
  • There should only be one space after the periods.
  • There should be a one inch margin on all four sides.
  • The first line of every paragraph should be indented of ½ an inch.
  • The upper right hand corner will include a header with the page number flush right.
  • Do not include a title page. Instead, you will put your name, your teacher’s name, the name of the course, and the date in the upper left hand corner of the paper.
  • The title of the paper will be centered but not underlined, bolded, or italicized.

The best way to know how to complete the paper in the right format is to get a good example to use as a guide. It is a very useful way to understand how your paper should look. There are several places to get an example of a dissertation but the best place to look is in a dissertation database. You will just have to find one that is in your field of study because it will more than likely be in the right format. You can usually tell that it is in the right format because of these guidelines.