7 Interesting Ideas For A Master's Dissertation On Industrial Engineering

Writing a dissertation is a big job, and you need a place to start. Finding the right topic idea is a great place to start, since you cannot do any research until you know what it is that you will be researching. This can take some time, but it is worth thinking about in depth because you can’t really change it later. If you do, you will have lost all the work you have already invested in the wrong topic idea.

Below are some that you can use if you simply want to be told what to write about. Using one of these will help guide you along your writing journey to a complete thesis. If you do some initial reading on whatever topic you choose, you will soon find out if it is something you are interested in. You may have a few false starts before diving into a specific topic for the rest of your project.

Topics for a master’s thesis

  1. Study on wind turbine vibration: data methodology
  2. Length of turn lanes for roads with various speeds, how to determine criteria
  3. Annoyance and urgency of auditory warnings in vehicles
  4. Model supply chain systems and network-based methodology
  5. Approaching object oriented design
  6. Analyze management for constraint algorithms
  7. Study of predictable maintenance policy and how it affects manufacturing

After this, you should review the literature that is available to you. In the public or the school’s library, you can find lots of good resources. Go through everything you can so that your writing will result in only the most important sources without redundancy. It’s also a good idea to take notes on basic background information that is involved with the topic you chose.

Next comes the outline. After you have some sources found and your topic nailed down, you can organize them into some sort of order. There are plenty of things you need to include, such as: abstract, introduction, main body, conclusion and bibliography. Those will have original writing that you do, in addition to the evidence sourced. When you move through the writing process, you should be able to fall back on this outline to help you see where you are going next. Plan your time and keep distractions to a minimum. Many students find that working with a friend helps them to stay focused.